Newsletter August 2010 |
Everything I write is my opinion and should be tested Namasté Gathering 2010 in Seattle, WA. Greetings friends, This year the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Federation are eager to work with us for the purpose of healing Humanity and the Earth during the current phase of evolution. We have been asked to meet in Puget Sound, Washington, and will be assisted by the Angelic Kingdom entering the Earth through Star Gate 44 over the Puget Sound area. We will be meeting and lodging at the beautiful Talaris Conference Center located in the Seattle area. Once again, early registration and payment will be required by each participant to meet the contract terms we have made with Talaris. A block of rooms for up to 28 people is available on-site at the Talaris Conference Center and extra hotel lodging is located nearby if needed. There are 12 rooms with queen beds and 8 rooms with 2 double beds per room. Each type of room is available for $119/room, plus 9.5% tax, and each participant must call to reserve your room with your own credit card. If you choose to stay in a double room, please give the Talaris Conference Center only one credit card number for the reservation and tell them the names of the people lodging in that room. All lodging must be reserved at the Talaris Conference Center before September 1, 2010. Please note: All double rooms are located on the second floor and there is no elevator. As always, rooms at Talaris will go fast, so please call to reserve/pay for your room early. If needed, additional lodging is available at The Silver Cloud Inn University, located at 5036 25th Avenue Northeast, Seattle, WA. This hotel is located approximately a half-mile from the conference center and offers free shuttle service to Talaris. You can make arrangements with them at (206) 526-5200, or www.silvercloud.com. The Namastè Gathering will be held at Talaris in the Lodge Conference Room. Beginning: Friday October 22, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Attendance fee for the Gathering is due to Namaste, Inc. by September 1, 2010. Please make your check payable to Namaste, Inc., mark it for the conference, and mail it directly to Namaste, P.O. Box 22174, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73123-0174. Talaris Conference Center is located at 4000 NE 41st Street, Seattle, WA 98105. Telephone: (206) 268-7000; www.talariscc.com. When you call to reserve your room, please state that you will be attending the Namasté Gathering. Please email Shelagh Schopen at shelaghschopen@hotmail.com or call Shelagh at 425-501-3087 by September 1 if you plan on attending. Please include if you have any food restrictions or if you would like to sell your work and you require table space. Namasté, and see you soon! Kauai Energy Work Seven of us gathered this year at the Namaste Creativity Retreat Center in Kauai over the summer solstice to assist the Spiritual Hierarchy to adjust the percentage of each Ray coming into the Earth at Ke’e Beach on Kauai. Each Ray was increased by 17% this year, which was different than any previous year. Every previous year the Rays had been individually increased by different percentages. On the day of the summer solstice the Ring Pass Not beyond the fourth dimension was once again tightened by the Hierarchy to increase the energetic pressure that moves the Earth and Humanity toward the fifth dimension. This increase speeded up time once again. We now have a 9½ hour day. We are fortunate that God has given Humanity so many labor saving devices and electronics to make it possible for us to keep up with the time compression. Personal Update and New CD’s Your prayers and financial contributions are always gratefully appreciated. My health is stable, for which I am grateful. My latest MRI, mammogram and colonoscopy show no abnormalities. THE CELLULAR RELEASE OF FEAR, TRAUMA, JUDGMENT AND NEGATIVE BELIEFS CD is available for $20 plus $5.00 for shipping. We have a new meditation that takes one to a planet called Emerial, where the inhabitants look Human with large butterfly wings. This CD is $20 plus $5.00 shipping. The grounding process to ground and connect with the Cosmic Christ Consciousness level of your soul is available on CD from Namaste, Inc. for $20 plus $5.00 shipping. We have a new healing meditation available on CD called the SPA Meditation, which is now available for $20 plus $5.00 for shipping. I have recently been gifted with a digital recorder which makes it possible for me to offer readings on CD rather than on cassette tapes. Readings are now $144 for an hour. I will be in Oklahoma City for most of August and September if your soul is suggesting you have a session. I am now able to record new meditations and the spiritual classes I do here at the Namaste Center on Thursday evenings on CDs Each class will be $20 and the classes are two hours long and fit on two CD’s. Postage is $5.00. We now have 82 Namaste Mystery School lessons available in paper form. They are $10 for each back issue. If you wish to continue receiving the newsletters by email, it is very important that you let me know when you change email addresses. Last time I sent out newsletters, I received 80 returns from non-existent email addresses. Namaste, bj