How To Transcend Being Empathic To Become Consciously Multi-Dimensional |
Do you have trouble focusing? Trouble losing weight? Eat uncontrollably or more than your body wants? Drinking alcohol more often than normal or can’t stop once you start? Over use prescription or illegal drugs, even though you know better? Feel anxious, angry or jealous, seemingly without an obvious reason? Have headaches the doctors can’t explain? Feel crazy occasionally? Get so emotional you can’t function with no obvious reason? Do you eat and then feel guilty? Do you feel drawn to masturbate or obsessively watch pornographic movies or videos? Do you allow yourself to have sex without discrimination about your partner? Do you drink to the point of being drunk and not remember what you have done? Do you continue to gamble beyond what you can afford to lose? Do you shop and run up your credit cards for things you may never wear or use? Do you lose your temper over small things that really don’t matter? Do you suffer from road rage? You may be suffering from being empathic. There is a difference between being empathic and being compassionate. When we have a friend who is suffering and we want to help them, if we join with them empathically, we lower our vibrational energy to the level of theirs. We join them in their misery. We “feel” for them. If we are compassionate we hold our energy field as high as possible and only join with their spiritual energy and therefore we raise their vibration. A problem can never be solved at the vibrational level it was created. If we hold ourselves and them in a higher energy they are much more likely to come to a positive awareness about their situation than if we join them energetically, empathically, at the level of their problem, dilemma or suffering. We were empathic at birth for a reason. We needed to be able to emotionally feel the people around us in order to know how to react to get our needs met. At birth we have a tendency to be energetically like little amoebas. We have unstructured borders to our energy fields. We moved our energy fields in and around the energy fields of other people in order to check out how they were feeling. As infants we did this instinctively in order to know how to get what we wanted, in order to be safe, or in order to comprehend that which was around us. We became “empathic”. To be “empathic” is to consciously or unconsciously project one’s energy field into the consciousness of another Human being, at the emotional or energetic level, in order to have sympathetic or empathic understanding of the other Human being. As we grow older some people learn other methods of defense, verbal understanding or soul communication in order to get the needed information from another. Many people remain empathic through out their entire lives, never knowing if the pains and emotions in their bodies are theirs or belong to the people they have encountered. They remain ignorant that they are even picking up feelings and emotions from others and believe that all this confusion and turmoil is their own. Many people believe it is their duty to be empathic in order to be understanding of others. Many people believe it is positive to be empathic. Anxiety and depression have reached alarming proportions on the planet at this time. When I watch TV almost every other commercial is for an anti depressant or anti anxiety drug. The magazines are full of ads for these drugs. I was an empath. I was raised in a family where I had to be super vigilant of the other members of my family in order to be safe. As I grew older it caused me great difficulty. It eventually got to be so difficult that I could not go to the grocery store and get groceries. I would enter the store with every intention of getting all the things my family needed, but by the time I reached the back of the store I would have picked up so many feelings of fear and anxiety that were left in the air by previous shoppers that I would have to run from the store without getting my purchases. I eventually learned to cope by going in for the five most immediate needs, get those things and run from the store, before being too overwhelmed by anxiety to continue. Going to a mall was torture. Being empathic made it possible for me to know things about others that were not really my business. I had many physical ailments that were not explainable by doctors. I was given Valium. This shut down my emotional body and helped for a few years. I believed that other people brought me my feelings, because when I was around others I felt their feelings rather than my own. We are never in control of our own feelings as long as we continue to be either consciously or unconsciously empathic. An empathic person finds it very difficult to understand where they stop and other people begin. They have a tendency to allow their boundaries to be invaded by other people. They do not even understand the concept of personal boundaries. When a person is unconsciously empathic it is difficult for them to have a good self-image. Their self-image is controlled by the thoughts other people have about them. They do not have a clear impression of selfhood and “others”. When a person is unconsciously empathic the gift of being able to read other people empathically often becomes more of a curse than a gift. Being empathic causes many people to be overweight, excessively emotional or to become addicted to substances, because of being overly sensitive. When the body has no boundaries to the emotional body, the physical body tries to become the size of the emotional body. This feeling of being out of control emotionally leads to excessive eating, in order to try to feel in control or to feel grounded. We erroneously try to create a physical barrier between ourselves and other people, since we have no emotional boundary. Empathic people find it difficult to be in crowds or around groups of people with whom they are not familiar, unless they have numbed themselves with drugs or alcohol. After being in public all day an empathic person may retire to their own space, their own home and feel drained. They also may have feelings, emotions, cravings and desires they don’t understand intellectually. They often act on emotions that are not theirs, being unaware that they are being affected by what they have picked up during the day from the energy fields of others. When I meet a psychic person who is reading others by being empathic, they are often resistant to the idea of giving up being empathic, believing this is their “gift” and that they must remain empathic in order to fulfill their destiny. If they are willing to trust their souls they can reprogram themselves to receive necessary information about their clients by being consciously multi-dimensional rather than empathic. It does however take discipline to change our way of being energetically. When I use the word “discipline” many people hear the word punishment. To be disciplined is to care enough about yourself to do what is to your highest good; it is a form of self-love, self-respect. When a person is empathic they respond emotionally, usually with tears, when large amounts of spiritual energy enters their bodies, during readings or meditations. This causes discomfort for them and for their client and is not necessary. Being empathic is against spiritual law, is intrusive and self-sabotaging. In being empathic we are picking up information from others and carrying it for them, or acting it out for them, unconsciously. It is difficult to differentiate between what are our feelings and emotions and the emotions of others. If you have been consciously or unconsciously empathic it is time to give up this means of accessing information about others. Earth and Humanity are evolving from being third dimensional to being fifth dimensional. Currently Earth and Humanity are operating vibrationally at the level of the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is not a place it is a vibrational condition. The fourth dimension is a level that would be described or thought of by Christians as hell. Earth is now in the middle of the fourth dimension, in the middle of hell. The fifth dimension, where Earth and Humanity are headed, would be thought of or described by Christians as heaven. When the Master Jesus mentioned, “In my Father’s house are many mansions; He meant in my Father’s house are many dimensions.” At the first sign that Human’s were considering splitting the atom the Beings who monitor Earth found it a necessary precaution to create around Earth an energetic barrier that they refer to as the “ring pass not.” Its purpose being to keep the negative thought forms of Humanity from polluting the rest of the Universe and if we were successful in splitting the atom to keep the atomic reaction from moving through out the Universe. The fourth dimension is filled with the collected negative thought forms that have been expressed by Humanity. It is also filled with the spirits that have died and have not had a high enough consciousness or vibration to move through the energetic barrier into the fifth dimension. These energies register as red, yellow and orange, which is why a visionary looking into the fourth dimension would perceive it as filled with fire. When a person dies and is addicted to negative thinking, alcohol, drugs, over eating, power, anger, control of others, smoking, gambling, shopping, sexual addiction or the need to accumulate money or possessions, they may become stuck in the fourth dimension. In this dimension they no longer have a physical body through which to act out or feed their addiction. They are stuck there with the addiction, the craving of the need. They only way they can feed the need, desire or addiction is to attach them selves to a person who is still in a body and is practicing their addiction of choice. This is why an empathic person is open to being used by these discarnate entities. This is why a person who suffers from an addiction is seldom fighting giving up their addiction because of the addiction of one consciousness. They are either completely or occasionally possessed by astral plane entities that are using them to satisfy their cravings, desires and addictions. These entities feed off of the energy of anger, lust, fear, risk and raw sexual energy. When there is a person in a group who is being affected by entities they will attempt to elicit these emotions from individuals or from the entire group in order to have the energy they so desperately desire. I’ve witnessed families that have a member who is an alcoholic or drug addict become totally dysfunctional through the influence of these entities. A person may have one drink and we can look into their eyes and still see that they are present, but usually by the third drink, the third marijuana cigarette or the third hit from some form of dope it is evident by looking into the eyes of the person that they are no longer alone in their bodies and that they are no longer in control of what they are doing or saying. The entities and sometimes there are many, will attempt to elicit fear, anger or violence by threatening or attacking another member of the family. These entities do not care what happens to their host. They only want the energy or relief from their addiction. They are capable of causing a person to kill, harm or rape another individual through the body they are possessing. After the event and after they have fed off the energies caused by their actions they will withdraw and leave their host to deal with the results of their influenced actions. Many people who have been accused of crimes will contend they are innocent, because they were actually not present when the entities used their bodies to commit a crime. They are still responsible, however, because they left their body and they opened their body to be used by entities by not be diligent about the use of their body and their emotions. If you are concerned that you have entities attached to you or someone you know never try to confront an astral entity. To confront an attached entity can be very dangerous. The methods we have witnessed in movies, such as THE EXORCIST and POLTERGEIST are not practical or safe. Anyone can perform an exorcism. Possession is against spiritual Law therefore you do not have to have the person’s permission to perform an exorcism. You may even do an exorcism on yourself if you suspect you are being influenced by astral entities. You do not have to be a minister or a therapist to perform an exorcism. You have the power to exorcise these energies or entities by using the following prayer: Through the power vested in me by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness I deliberately call forth the Arch Angel Michael and the Band of Mercy to remove all negative entities and energies from this (body, machine, building, car, house, person.) I ask that these energies and entities be taken into the Light that they may continue to grow and prosper. You may or may not choose to tone the sound OM or AUM at this point to increase the positive energy around you. Amen, Amen, Amen. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. If we choose to act responsibly energetically it is time for us to give up being empathic in favor of being deliberately multi-dimensional. To do this we have to rewrite our software, our program to only seek Oversoul communication with our own Oversoul and to deliberately program ourselves to communicate with others from our Oversoul to their Oversoul. This form of communication by passes the emotional body. When we need information about another person we can communicate with our Oversouls, and if it is ours to know, our Oversoul will communicate with the Oversoul of the other person and the information or awareness we need will come into us in the form of intuition or knowingness. If we agree to communicate in this way, when our soul disconnects from the other person’s soul, we are not left with any feelings, diseases or emotions that rightfully belong to the other person. In this form of communication we also by pass what is called the morphonogenic field of thought that has built up over time between us and people with whom we are familiar. This field operates like a rut that develops over a period of time between people who communicate often, such as spouses, lovers, children or parents. When one person speaks to the other the energy of information goes through the rut and the responsive party already believes they know what the speaker is going to say. They “hear” it in the way they have always heard as warped by the rut. If we go directly to our soul to communicate with their soul the words we speak will have a different energy and we may be actually “heard” for the first time. Their soul gives us intuitive awareness of analogies and verbiage that will gain their attention. The body is a bio-magnetic computer system for the soul. It can be reprogrammed with new software. The new software is installed by intention.. We can cease to be unconsciously empathic by deliberately grounding ourselves each morning, by installing intentional balloons or cushions of energy around ourselves, and by having an intention to communicate telepathically or through direct knowingness (rather than empathically) with the Oversouls of those we encounter Grounding ExerciseThis exercise will take approximately two minutes each morning. If you catch yourself behaving empathically during the day, stop and redo the process. In a standing position, take a deep breath and focus on the soles of your feet. As you exhale, deliberately intention beams of energy about the size of fluorescent light bulbs (or Luke Skywalker’s light saber) going from the soles of your feet into the central core energy of the Mother Earth. (Or see yourself as a tree with roots going into the center of the Earth.) Take another deep breath and as you exhale focus on your heart, deliberately opening your heart in love and appreciation to the Earth, to your physical body, and to your Oversoul (God, the sky, the Universal Life Force Energy, or whatever vision works for you.) Take another deep breath and as you exhale open the crown of your head and deliberately send a beam of energy, about the size of a fluorescent light tube into the Cosmic Christ Consciousness level of your own Oversoul. (Send the beam of energy to the Sun or to God, or whatever image works for you.) Continuing to breathe deeply begin to swing your arms gently at your sides to and fro, back and front, as if you are pumping energy up from the Earth. When you feel the energy begin to flow, change your focus to above your head and begin to pump energy down from your Oversoul. As you pump, you want to also intention pumping up balloons of energy around your body. The first balloon is white and is about 12 feet in all directions from the body, the second balloon, which is pink and inside the first, is about 8 feet in all directions from the body. The third balloon is purple and is about four feet in all directions from the body. The purple balloon becomes your personal energy supply, impenetrable by others. The white and pink energy fields are excess energy, which you can afford to share with others. Very few people eon the planet are spiritually adept enough to penetrate your personal energy field if you use this system. This process will take about two minutes each morning and begins to create a cocoon or barrier of protection between yourself and other people and other dimensions, other than the information coming directly to you from your soul. It removes the static. It also protects you from astral plane interference and possible possession by astral entities. SPIRITUAL PROTOCOLAs psychics or mystics it is spiritually inappropriate to invade the thought forms or psychic space of another individual without being specifically invited by that person. To deliberately tune in to other people, without being asked, is equivalent to opening another person’s mail, eavesdropping or listening in to the party line of a telephone. As we become more and more open it is important for us to control our own energy space (and thoughts) and to not impinge on the energy space of other people. When we move in the direction of not being empathic and only getting information about a person or situation, by requesting that our Oversoul communicate with their Oversoul, we are following spiritual protocol. We are not to offer unsolicited spiritual advice, nor are we to alter the energy field of another person in any way, without being asked by them or without first asking permission of their soul. To do this infringes on a person’s free will, which is against spiritual law. In our zealousness, when we first begin to open up to Spirit, we have a tendency to share all of our impressions and the information we receive or perceive with other people, whether it is solicited or not. When we begin to be aware that healing energies are flowing through our bodies, we have a tendency to want to share this gift with everyone we meet, who is suffering in any way. When we first learn a new spiritual tool, again in our enthusiastic state, we have a tendency to want to practice it on everyone we meet. We may justify our actions by thinking that this is to their highest good. We have no idea (unless we have checked this in the Akashic Records) Just because we know something about another person does not mean we should speak it, it may be premature for them to know or may be emotionally distressing for them to know. Wait to be asked, do not volunteer. I observe many spiritual workers seeking to do readings, healings and procedures for people, rather than waiting to be approached by individuals whose souls are directing them to have sessions through specific individuals. I see this being done sometimes from enthusiasm and sometimes because the reader or healer is suffering financial insecurity. Certain individuals are more suited than others at a given time, through which certain energies and information’s can be given and received. Therefore a person needs to wait to be intuitively guided to a certain individual through whom he feels his soul is guiding him to receive information or healing. If a person does not wait for his intuition, but seeks advice from every psychic or healer he encounters he will become increasingly more confused, rather than more clear about his direction. A reader or practitioner needs to have enough integrity and discernment to know if, when an individual approaches them, they are the correct person who is supposed to read or interact with the candidate seeking help. A reading should never be done solely because you need the money. If you refer the person to the appropriate practitioner (and you will be intuitively guided to know who they should see) then wait, you will be sent more clients than you have time to work with, because of your integrity. Competition between spiritual practitioners is always inappropriate. To be within spiritual law it is recommended that we seek to receive information only from our own Oversouls and to ask our Oversouls to contact the Oversouls of other people. We will then be given the knowledge of what is appropriate, and what we have permission to ask for the person. We will also be told if we can pass on information to them, which we are receiving from their Oversoul. Never tell your client that you are receiving information, but you are not being allowed to give them the information at this time. Do not mention this information at all. It is spiritual law for us to become aware that every creation is sponsored and supported by specific Devic Presences and to seek to be in communication with that Presence when we desire to change the conditions of a structure, person, plant, animal, etc. This includes getting permission from our “body intelligence” or the “body intelligence” of another person, if we or they, are going to have surgery of any kind or an activation or healing. Spiritual Guardians are assigned to groups, structures, organizations, portals and places where deliberate vortexes of energy have been set in motion. Such as a meditation group will be assigned a Spiritual Guardian in addition to the Over-lighting Devic Presence of the place where the meditation group meets. A deliberate vortex of energy will become established where a group meditates regularly. There is a Spiritual Guardian of an organization such as a Mystery School like Astara in Upland, California. This Mystery School is sponsored by the energies of the Spiritual Guardian Master Zoser, sometimes spelled Djoser. A religion, such as Unity or Religious Science will have a Spiritual Guardian, or Group Mind Guardian assigned to the organization as well as each church building may have an individual Spiritual Guardian or Over-lighting Devic Presence. The Master Jesus, the Master Dwjal Kuhl, the Master Kuthumi and the Master Saint Germain are sponsoring the Namaste Mystery School of Remembering. The Hierarchy of the Universe is complex, but it can be learned. The more we allow ourselves to be open to learn the correct rituals, procedures and structures, the more powerful our meditations and life will become. The more conscious we become the more we can be used by our Oversouls, the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the Angels, the Intergalactic Federation to serve our souls, the Earth, the Universe, God. If we observe protocol by having mental intention, when we enter a structure, by asking to communicate with the Over-lighting Devic Presence and the Spiritual Guardian, we will be in harmony. If we do not observe with mental intention and ritual we will be out of harmony with the structure and with the protectors of the property. This also holds true for our homes and places of business. If we acknowledge the Over-lighting Devic Presence of our homes it will feel harmonious to us and to other people who enter it, if we do not it will not feel as comfortable. If we honor the Devic Presences who hold the forms for our plants to grow, they will grow well, or tell us what they need, whether these plants are indoors or out. If we enter a sacred site, to do any change to the energy of the site, we should acknowledge the Guardian of the site by turning our bodies three times to the left as we would unlock a door. This acknowledges to the Guardian that we are in a state of respect and awareness or their authority. When we leave the site we should again turn our body three times to the left to reseal the energy field of the site. Much of this information was taught in the ancient Mystery Schools and only handfuls of people were allowed to have access to the information and rituals. Because of the power that the knowledge causes to be available, it has been guarded until humanity evolved to be trusted to be responsible. The same holds true with knowledge of Universal Law, knowledge of the Rays, knowledge of Angels (in all their forms including Devas) and an under-standing of the Oversoul, the Intergalactic Federation, and the Spiritual Hierarchy of this planet, galaxy and Universe. If we hold the intention of harmlessness and an intention to use information given to us spiritually with integrity, rather than for self gain, self aggrandizement, or to impress others; we will be given more and more information. If we misuse the information given to us, by sharing it inappropriately or using it to gain power over another person physically or mentally, our gifts and access will be revoked, very much like a library card would be revoked if a person were abusing their use of the library. A person who asks for and receives access to the Akashic Records will be given probationary access to limited amounts of information, until they have proven themselves spiritually trustworthy to have access to a broader range of information. One might think again of the idea of a library (although that is not my experience of how these records or stored). A novice reader would be given a password or library card, which allowed them access to the first floor of the library, where limited amounts of information, which is relatively easy to understand, are stored. As the person grows spiritually and uses the information with discretion and disseminates what they learned appropriately, they are given passwords progressively, that will take them into levels, which reveal more and more complex information. We are always given information from Spirit on a “need to know basis”. When our ego demands to know information, out of curiosity, which is not ours to know, this information is seldom accurately forth coming. If a person persists, they may begin to access realms other than their own Oversoul, and information may be (allowed by the soul) given, which is either not accurate or is misleading by entities who are mischievous or malevolent. The Oversoul allows this in order to bring forth a circumstance, which will give the person an opportunity for a much-needed spiritual lesson in discernment. Trust me this is not a fun experience. I speak from past personal experience, which is how I learned what I know about protocol and to ask only one question of the soul at all times: WHAT IS THE NEXT SINGLE THING FOR ME TO KNOW OR DO FOR ME TO BE IN A STATE OF DIVINE GRACE? If we learn to live with this question we will always have the information we need in the moment. It is best to communicate only with your own Oversoul, to accept information on a need to know basis and to use and disseminate that which we are given with discretion. It is best to focus on our own path and to ask for information, which would be positively useful to us. Then if we feel intuitively (not by our ego) led to publish or share the information we’ve been given, a way to do so will be provided through divine right action. If we worked in a large corporation as the mail clerk, we would not send each request we had directly to the office of the President or Chairman of the Board, we would speak with our immediate supervisor. We would therefore, get a quick and easy to understand answer, which would be relevant to our position and in a language suited to our level of understanding. In my understanding and experience the same holds true for the relationship between the various departments of the order of the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Universe. It is useful to develop a relationship with the highest level of our souls, through the vibration of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness that our physical bodies can tolerate at this time. In developing that relationship, that level of our Oversoul can become our gatekeeper, our spirit guide, or our receptionist and take messages from other spirits that might desire to interact with us. If we develop this relationship we can always trust the information we receive. Our gatekeeper can translate or interface with other spirits and we are not constantly trying to sort through the various messages we might encounter or having to challenge each spirit that approaches us to see if they are of the Light. After twenty-seven years of interacting with my soul, the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Intergalactic Federation, Angels and even recently dead spirits, I offer you this information based on my experience and opinions and in no way do I offer it as anything other than my own truth. You should always test all information you read or hear through your own discernment. If you do not feel you have discernment, pray for it. Discernment is a spiritual gift and can be gifted to you by your soul, if you request it. It is important to remember the soul, Angels, God are not able to over ride The Universal Law of Freewill to help us unless we first ask and give permission for their intervention.